A diet hospital
The food offered in a health establishment (HE) has an important impact on patient satisfaction. However, the constraints of meal production and organisation, nutritional prescriptions and the fact that patients often have to accept a standard diet limit the possibility to provide meals adapted to their needs or to their tastes. These constraints can contribute to the non-consumption of meals and to a spiral of undernutrition for the most vulnerable patients.강남다이어트
These problems are not unique to the HE sector and can be found in other healthcare institutions (e.g., rehabilitation and long-term care). A large number of interventions can contribute to better nutrition: 강남다이어트병원 the provision of a varied menu; allowing patients to choose from different dishes; modifying the volume of meals for small eaters; the use of dietary supplements or enrichment strategies for certain diseases; the use of an adapted diet according to the pathophysiological condition of the patient.
To enable catering services and healthcare teams to make more rational choices, it is necessary to harmonise the vocabulary used in the area of food and diets in hospitals, to reduce the number of restrictions without scientific evidence and to favour a better adherence to nutritional recommendations. This is what these guidelines intend to do.