When you have health problems in your ears, nose or throat, your primary care doctor may recommend that you see a specialist. These specialists are called ear, nose and throat doctors, or otolaryngologists. They treat a range of conditions from recurrent ear infections to thyroid disorders, and head and neck tumors.
An otolaryngologist can also help with balance issues that affect your inner ears, such as vertigo. They can perform tests to find out if the problem is due to an infection, a hole in the eardrum or a buildup of earwax. If they determine that you have a balance issue, they can provide treatment or refer you to a vestibular therapist, who can help improve your symptoms.
Some otolaryngologists are specially trained to work with children who have chronic ear and throat problems. They can also work with adults and teens to help prevent or treat snoring and sleep apnea, which are often caused by problems in the upper airway.
Otolaryngologists can also work with patients who have a wide variety of facial injuries and deformities. They can perform reconstructive plastic surgery of the face, neck and jaw and are often trained to treat sinus disease through minimally invasive procedures.
They are also trained to work with the pharynx and other parts of the larynx, which helps with speech. They can also manage voice problems, such as hoarseness and larynx cancer.

How to become an otolaryngologist
A person who wants to become an otolaryngologist must have completed college and medical school. After that, they must complete at least five years of residency to be able to practice.부산이비인후과
During their residency, otolaryngologists have to study a range of subjects, including anatomy, physiology and pharmacology. They also need to learn how to perform surgical procedures.
Many people who suffer from dizziness and sinus pressure have migraine headaches. These patients are often referred to a neurologist, but an otolaryngologist who has a good understanding of headache can often prescribe triptans and other medicines that can help relieve pain while the patient waits for a neurology appointment.부산코골이
Some otolaryngologists are also trained to provide allergy testing and immunotherapy, or allergy shots. This can help with people who have hay fever, asthma and other allergies. They can test you by pricking your skin with tiny amounts of common allergens, such as pollen, to see how your body reacts. If they determine that you have allergies, they can then prescribe medications to help control your symptoms.