A diet hospital is a crash diet that allows you to lose a lot of weight in a short time. It is used to help people who need to lose weight quickly before a wedding, operation or other event. It is an easy diet to follow and all the food you need is available in ordinary supermarkets. However, it is not a healthy way to lose weight and it should not be used for long periods of time.
Hospital diets are designed to meet the nutritional needs of patients, depending on their pathophysiological condition and the dietary restrictions linked to their treatment (for example: a liquid or semi-liquid diet, a diet without solids for a certain period of time, etc). These diets are provided by a professional dietician, who is responsible for preparing and serving meals, as well as making dietary modifications in accordance with the patient’s presenting complaint. The diets also take into account the constraints that influence meal provision (production, organization, health safety and environmental respect) [1].다이어트약
A team approach is essential to the success of a nutrition service in hospitals. This ensures that physicians and dietitians are able to work together. This is necessary because many questions arise, especially with regard to the interrelationship between a patient’s diet and his or her medical status.

Physicians often have little time to address these issues, particularly when dealing with patients who are hospitalized for an emergency or are under intense therapy. However, a dietetic consultation can improve the quality of care provided to patients, even if it only involves a simple diet order and a referral to a dietitian.강남삭센다
Resistance is a natural part of any diet change and should be welcomed rather than interpreted as opposition to the idea of following a more nutritious diet. Mental health professionals know that expressing this resistance is a good sign because it means the patient is thinking through his or her concerns. This allows the dietitian to think of ways to help the patient overcome this obstacle.
Patients are barraged with dietary messages of all kinds, and they appreciate doctors who help them navigate through the thicket of information. Even if this support only includes an order for a particular diet and a referral to a registered dietitian, it is valuable in the eyes of the patient. It demonstrates that the doctor is concerned about their overall health, not just their presenting problem, and that he or she understands that dietary interventions are as important as pharmaceutical ones.