7 Grand Opening Marketing Ideas
Whether you’re opening your first restaurant, a retail store, museum, amusement park or other type of business, it’s important to have a plan in place for the grand opening event. This is a great opportunity to increase awareness among your target audience, drive attendance and boost sales.식당홍보광고
Before your grand opening, start generating interest by promoting the location through social media and local press. Make sure your social media pages reflect the new location and post progress photos, highlight new employees, announce your grand opening date and offer specials for your local audience. Make sure your existing fans and followers from other locations are aware of the new location so they can help spread the word.
Create a sharable photo or video of your team cutting the ribbon or putting the finishing touches on your venue. Encourage customers to tag themselves or their friends and family in the post to further promote your event and brand. Depending on your brand and the audience in your community, you might consider including city officials, other business owners and community leaders at your grand opening to generate additional buzz.
Host a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
Whether it’s your local city’s mayor or a celebrity guest, invite people to participate in a ribbon cutting ceremony to celebrate your opening day and further spread the word about your new location. The extra effort will also give you an opportunity to capture footage to use in your marketing materials after the event.
Offer Grand Opening Specials
The first-time customers that attend your grand opening should be treated to a special experience. Give them a taste of what to expect with special deals that aren’t available at other times, such as buy-one-get-one discounts or early bird discounts on select products. You can also offer a free meal or a discount on future purchases to keep them coming back.
Develop a map of where your target market lives and works, then decide what kind of special offer will encourage them to go out of their way to visit your grand opening. For example, Chick-Fil-A gives away a lot of free food and swag to the first 100 customers, which has become a signature event for them that draws crowds in their communities.
Reach Out to the Local Media
Your local media is interested in stories about businesses that are new to the area, so pitch your story about what makes your grand opening unique. You can also offer your expertise to the media in interviews or write an article about your company’s success in the community to further boost your publicity before and during your grand opening.
Having a strong repeatable marketing strategy will make it easier for your team to focus on operational details as they prepare to open a new location. Sign up for mySuite by MyArea Network to use a variety of marketing campaigns to generate interest in your opening, garner local media coverage and build customer relationships.애드리절트